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Dr.Santiago Isaza Penco

Dr.Santiago Isaza Penco

Orthodontics / Orthopedics / Gnatology

Born in 1966, after graduating in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the “Colegio Odontologico Colombiano” University in Bogotà (Colombia) he spent three years at the Orthognathic Department at the San Martino Hospital in Genova and at the Children Hospital in Glasgow. He then complete successfully the course of High Formation in 3D Orthognathic Maxillofacial surgery at the Alma Mater University of Bologna.

Member of ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani), member of SIDO (Società Italiana di Ortodonzia) and member of SCO (Sociedad Colombiana de Ortopedia Maxilar), is a speaker at international level, he collaborates as “invited professor” with several universities in Italy and abroad, he is a scientific consultant for some important international companies as Dentaurum Group and 3Shape and he is co-author of some books and has published several scientific articles.

Dedicated to the study of the Orthodontic and Maxillary Orthopaedic, he has been recognised with a prominent role in the field of research and innovation. He is involved frequently in inter-disciplinary projects which aim in improving the final outcomes of each treatment.

Married with two kids, he has an interest in well-being and health, loves sports, in particular rugby, cycling and sailing which he practices in his free time.

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