Prothesis / Implants
Born in Bologna in 1965. Dental technician diploma in 1983 and degree in Medicine Surgery University of Bologna in 1991. Graduated attending the Conservation2 department of the Dental clinic of Bologna Proff Montanari. 1991 / 92.Tutor and Researcher of Conservation Department - First Clinical Dentistry Visit of Bologna proff Montanari 1993/97. Master fixed prosthesis University of Parma proff Samuele Valerio1995 / 98. Master in Implantology University of Chieti Proff Piatelli - Degidi1998 / 2001. Master Mobile Prosthesis University of Siena Proff Borracchini 2002/2007. Since 2016 I have held the position of head of the Domus-Nova-San Francesco di Ravenna Clinical Dentistry Department.
Partner Andi and AIOP since 1991. My activity is mainly addressed to the prosthesis and implant prosthesis. I have two wonderful children, a very sweet life partner and I dedicate my free time to them and to my three passions: Bologna, wine, sailing.
The aesthetics of the teeth is a crucial factor for the psycho-physical well-being of the patient.
go on…Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the internal tissues of the tooth
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